AFR Heads

lol **** me running.

So you think if someone develops a “bolt on” head (there is no such thing in the real world but I suppose in the fantasy world you hope for it could happen) that would make 600 hp you could sell more than edelbrock? Or TF?
Doesn't the Bloomer head ? you don't think Edelbrock, AFR etc.. couldn't come up with a similar cnc program.
You are absolutely nucking futs.

The market is SATURATED.
Yes just look at all the 600 hp heads for sbm at jegs summit etc..
BTW, you’ve been around. How many guys on here will actually build a 600 hp engine?
A lot more will try. Instead of a TF 408 most will probably buy the bigger head, don't see as many wanting to build Edelbrock RPM head 408 since TF came out.
I know the bullshitters on here a dream that if they could just grab a Summit catalog and order the **** up they’d do it.

They won’t. Are YOU going to buy these imaginary heads as soon as they come out?
Probably not, was saying they would be good for the industry if 600 hp was more readily available. If I was to build something like that I'd want a 470.
Oh wait, you won’t. Neither will 99.999% of the guys on here.
You could be right and it's a flop
It’s crazy to sit here and ***** about what you don’t have when the **** to do what you want is ALREADY ON THE MARKET.
It's not for the average guy. Before TF became available people could already build 500+ hp engines but what did TF do, it made it available to the average guy, like how edelbrocks made 450 + hp. And all I'm saying would nice if some stepped it up above TF.