I though about selling..now im thinking of cloning it.

Joe, I thought you got out of the A body game..

my goal was a solid 15k usd , i have more thant 25 canadian in the car , and wanted at least 15 usd for it , i can always go lower but theres very expensice parts on it , a bodie differential , 8 3/4 , 3.91 sg clutch unit , moser axles , 2500 stall with a brand new 727 , super stock leaf springs , frame connectors , scs cheetah shifter , new gas tank , new windshield , new wiring harness , paint and body was done 10-11 years ago , dual plane intake - holley dp carb - etc etc , i was starting it at 19k , because i got caught in the game ... ive seen a lot of shitty and bad dusters for sale for almost 10-15k more , and i was tempted to ask 19k to have an honest offer for it , but i think ill have to take a step back and think about all of this , maybe just removing all the aftermarket parts and put it back like it was from factory , its a very fast car , all the drivetrain was in a 71 demon that ran 11.60 with slicks couple of years ago , so this is a high 11 -12.xx flat car , but im getting older and i dont want to beat the crap out of it anymore , i have a ratty 68 fury with a 318 and i just love driving it , so yes..i am confused with this rare duster and its future !