I agree wirh some of your suggestions too. Never been a fan of painted bumpers,plus his ad for this car on the B bodies forum also says the car has mechanical issues and isn't running..for $19,000 it should run perfectly.
"The car is in storage since 2023 , the engine as a timing # mechanical issue that i didnt find , starts and spins but dies when its put in gear , but i dont have time to fix it ,looks like it runs on 7 cyl "
Rare doesnt always equate to desirable either. I personally like the 1970-1972 Dusters and don't care for the later ones. And the e58 package (360) doesn't mean anything to me,its still a 1976 car. I'd rather have a 70-72 Duster 340 (Just my opinion). Plus in some states such as California that car would still be required by law to be stock and pass smog or it couldn't be registered and driven. Another issue I see, would be that anyone looking to spend 19k on a 1976 duster because of some rare option is likely going to want it to be in factory stock condition.
I also doubt anyone would trade a 1968-1970 Roadrunner for a 1976 Duster,those Roadrunners are in another league altogether. I personally dont like the 1971 and later Roadrunners either. I've always thought they were ugly. (No offense intended to those who may like them).