I though about selling..now im thinking of cloning it.

I dont mind bringing her back to her former glory , ive build it when i was 22..turning 40 this summer , im not into burnout machines or killer street cars , i wanted a low 11 sec back then and beat the **** out of everybody..now a freakin tesla or stock 5.0 mustang kills me like if i wasnt moving , the game changed , a 400hp 3000 pound car is nothing impressive these days and to be honest its quite loud with the big cammed 360 , i love the sound , it sounds good and its mean , it looks bad ***...but it stops there , it was a lot more powerfull before when i had a 3000+ stall super moded 904 ( crazy 1st gear ) but ive enjoyed the cheap stuff...i bought a ratty 68 fury for 1k and im having a blast just playing and driving it , yes..enjoying a 2bbl 318...Stock !! I wasnt aware at 22 that the more you beat a car..the more it breaks , and my Duster gave me a lot of problems trough the years , im not into this semi " street machine " look and style...anymore, i just embrace a factory stock car now ( or even if its lightlty modded ) and looks completly stock , im not that far for sure , just not into big hp and fast cars anymore .Dont worry guys i wont cut it up or clone it , i just dont know what direction i am taking with this car. A lot of specialist and mopar people told me that it was 1 of 304 and 1 of 50 with the sunroof combo ( 1 of 12 ) for Canada.








