I though about selling..now im thinking of cloning it.

If it sells too quick it was sold too cheap
If it doesn't sell your asking too much
Fine line in the middle
^^^ ALL so true!!! A desirable model priced RIGHT will sell fast, yes maybe underpriced! But it sold.
Ask to much for a given model UNLESS a model that is IN STRONG DEMAND, and it can sell. To the right person.
Ask too much for most classics, and they do not sell period. Too few buyers, to many of that model to pick from, and negotiate a lower price, and or with a better price/ Yep a fine line!!!!!!
A lot of people put their classic up for sale and have no intention to sell , unless some guy pays his silly ask price. EGO trip. I see it al the time.

Year ago, I would do a nut and bolt on a desirable model, and it would not sell. Then I started RAISING the price as I had it too cheap for what it was. People that wanted that model car wanted perfect and I had mine priced too cheap to be a perfect restored lets say AAR Cuda, V code Cuda, or even a 69 383 Roadrunner, one of what ? 95,000 o that year?? Then, just like that , it SOLD!! But it was the right model and in the right condition to find its way to the right buyer.
I have seen this in wife's country real estate business. Rural acreages and farms/ranches can be way different that selling homes in the burbs, but maybe not. (We don't deal in the burbs anyway.)
People that are NOT hungry will always overprice property (or classic cars). If they are hungry, they tend to be way more realistic. If a property (car) sitting on the market too long, people will question what is wrong with it. Why is it not sold????? We will list property too high as that is the sellers call, but we also tell them IF it does not sell in 5-6 weeks, they need to adjust the price. Unrealistic prices drive away potential buyers. People in the know, understand where the market is for a certain model.
We have been in a buyers market at least since Covid.
Another thing that enters into the picture. For years, people in the hobby will say "go buy a DONE car, its way cheaper than building one your self. ( well this is so true IF a person has to pay for it all done! or even IF he has to pay a shop for body/paint!). But this mentality tends to devalue a given DONE car.

Us classic car guys all love bargains!! We all do. We are always looking for a builder worth the $. Good luck there!!
We look for done cars, worth the $, as in priced wholesale but with mega resto shop worth of quality work!!

The market has way more classic cars for sale than there are buyers today. Look at what is selling. What ois for sale NOT selling. Look at the classified ads here for cars and on FBBO. Look at the prices paid and the sale thru % at BJ and Mecum for an indicator. Yes, a total different market and buyer but an indicator.

I hate putting work and $ in a classic and putting it up for sale, ever..... PERIOD!!!!