How do you fund your projects!

I got it home a month ago. We finally got it unlocked. Pop a Lock. Once it was opened I got the key code off the glove box cylinder. I had an old time locksmith cut the key. His new 15K machine produced 2 duds. He kept the cylinder and cut the keys with an old machine and I guess files. They work like butter.
VDMV said there was not a title. After 5 weeks the title is on its way. Prelude is now at a shop. Hopefully it will be running and I can get tires and a detail. This may go on Bring A Trailer.

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gotta love old school craftsmanship

it is crazy how much people like those econoboxes (and to me, that covers every model honduh ever made)

sounds like you should be able to turn a nice profit, specially since you were able to get it titled