I though about selling..now im thinking of cloning it.

im not that far for sure , just not into big hp and fast cars anymore
I agree with you there. I honestly couldn't care less about big engines or how fast a car is either. As you said,any mustang or electric car on the road today is going to lay waste to you and out handle you anyway. And I'm not into beating on,abusing and breaking my cars and turning them into endless projects.or doing stupid things that put me at risk of wrecking them by driving foolishly. Plus my favorite cars are the 57-61 Chrysler products and none of those are fast by today's standards anyway. My cars have never been weekend toys,I like to drive them so gas milage matters to some degree.I love the 318 powered cars. Just all around great daily drivers. Plenty of power,fine on the freeway,great mileage for cars of their vintage,and very reliable. Got the Dart for a daily driver because times and society have changed and the forward look cars draw to much unwanted attention now,(I half jokingly call them attractive nuisances) especially Belvederes since the whole "christine clone" thing blew up,and can't be safely left alone in a parking lot without watching watching them and worrying about someone stealing them anymore.. Darts are still relatively common,much more sedate looking,but still attractive and parts are easier to get.