Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

Both get ground down, and tig has less heat/warpage. If you never tig before, you shouldn`t diss someone's welds. I`d put my welds up against anybody's :rolleyes:
I am not dissing anybody's welds but I can lay a stitch better than that with a 110 mig and no helmet, been doing it for 35 years.

Lamp on a hammer? there is no hammer in that pic, should probably read the post again.
They do make hoods with built in lights now, I believe.
You will weld better through a helmet in a totally dark room, I promise, but you can not do that with a work light.
if you could get the light to fade or go out under arc, you would be golden.

That's what our instructor said too. 6010 can weld in the wind, rain, snow, etc. Perfect for off-road repairs.
6010 and 7018 are the go to for everything if you are welding with metals outside or with scrap you do not know what the metal is.

You can weld a Chrysler bumper to a Chevy bumper and it would be one car at that point.

Weld with either of those rods in a controlled shop and you can make some very pretty welds.