Don't let that 6010 rod get you down kerndog. That rod is for dirty rusty contaminated metal welding. When you get to the Tungsten Inert Gas welding it will open up a whole new world of welding opportunities for you. Melting the filler like butter or just fusing pieces together with no filler at all. It is a very clean beautiful weld. I work in a factory/fab shop that builds stainless coils for very large industrial applications. There are a couple of young gals in here that make me feel like an amateur when I look at their beautiful tig welds. They do it every day in very precarious positions like it is just second nature to them. I think Syleng 1 was the poster...A huge part of it is your breathing and walking the cup. Some of these guys, and gals even verbally count when they are breathing a lay down the welds to make them more consistent. Enjoy the course!