Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

Don't let that 6010 rod get you down kerndog. That rod is for dirty rusty contaminated metal welding. When you get to the Tungsten Inert Gas welding it will open up a whole new world of welding opportunities for you. Melting the filler like butter or just fusing pieces together with no filler at all. It is a very clean beautiful weld. I work in a factory/fab shop that builds stainless coils for very large industrial applications. There are a couple of young gals in here that make me feel like an amateur when I look at their beautiful tig welds. They do it every day in very precarious positions like it is just second nature to them. I think Syleng 1 was the poster...A huge part of it is your breathing and walking the cup. Some of these guys, and gals even verbally count when they are breathing a lay down the welds to make them more consistent. Enjoy the course!

If you want to see nice welds, or at least the potential for nice welds look at their hand writing.

When I started in shop class we had to write a paper on what we wanted out of the class.

The teacher didn’t care what you wrote. He wanted to see your hand writing.

As a general rule women write better than men. I was an exception to that rule.

Today?? My writing blows chunks. The arthritis has made my hand writing hit the toilet. And it shows in my welds.

It was frustrating and still is but it is what it is.

Especially with gas and TIG welding you see it a lot.