The 360 build that has more turns than Willow Springs

I wonder how many of those were built? Or where they came from? Were they service replacements, rebuilt and diverted to the MP program, Junkyard like you said? Picked off the line? There's no 7 digit casting number -dash CID on the driver side or casting date on the passenger side in line with one just above the freeze plugs? I remember the MP catalog at least at one time described them as 20-over and "seasoned blocks" which most likely says used then rebuilt/remanned. Maybe they weren't all that way?
It surprised me too. I remember hearing and reading that MP used "seasoned" (a fancy name for an engine pulled from a junkyard) blocks and bored them .020 over. When the machinist measured it and found standard bore, we all were surprised. We thought the used pistons might be worth something to sell but who ever needs a standard piston when doing a rebuild?