Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

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6013 stick weld rod x 3/32" dia. used to but weld 1/4" extension plates onto Modified '89 Truck Receiver Hitch.
Welding at 110 amps.

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Angle grind and then smooth grinder scratches with 80 DA Sander. All painted up... corrosion resistant.

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4 Key Points of Welding:

1. Heat > How many amps you set your welder at.

2. Angle > The angle in degrees that your welding rod is to the welding path you wish to travel.

3. Distance > The distance the tip of the welding rod is off of the molten puddle as you are welding.

4. Speed > The speed of travel while moving along the desired welding path.


Practice, Practice..... always good to do a practice bead first on a piece of scrap metal to make sure you have your heat and rod selection right, just before you lay down that nice bead on the project you are welding.

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Being a good welder allows you to custom build and custom fit things.

Like this custom built receiver hitch, tucks up real nice and tight up to the light duty step bumper.

89 Truck Custom Receiver.jpg

Giving the step bumper a lot more strength in the process and keeps it from moving around. Yet still having a handy 2" receiver hitch just below it whenever you need it.

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