Welding when you’re not 40 anymore…

Always had trouble seeing my puddle. Reading glasses, auto-darkening helmet,
Sounds like you need to go to the optometrist, get bifocals if you read and need them.
I need my glasses plus cheater lenses plus my spot light I showed in a previous post, in dim light conditions. Keep bright light from behind your shield. I have to keep from looking through my bifocals through the cheaters, or sight will blur out bad.
Young people should try to use the darkest setting that can still be seen through, shade 12 to start. Older guys will need to buck down to probably shade 10. I need to go even lower, shade 8 when welding with low amp tig.

So the combination of make sure you don`t or do need glasses, contacts not recommended.
Lower shade 10.
Cheater lenses, you may have to experiment through the various diopters.
I`m up to the strongest they offer 2.75?
You should be able to see just fine if you follow this advise.