Closed dragstrips
When the price of real estate outweighs, the profit of the drag strip, 1 has to start thinking about the financial benefit for themselves. A business owner may want to keep it open despite the rising cost of real estate, which may end up heavily outweighing the revenue he makes yearly.
Our old truck in West Hampton Long Island held out to the point where it became a retirement fund for the owners. Participation was very low and must have been running at a deficit the last few years.
It’s a real shame too because the only alternative is going to New Jersey where two out of three tracks are now closed. There is only island dragway in Northern Jersey. And getting their as expensive and very heavy on traffic going through New York City.
And Long Island is used to complain that driving an hour or an hour and a half out to East Hampton was too much of a pain in the ***. Now the nearest track is four hours.
At all you hear is is is cry.
As of recent, though not a proper track or sanctioned by any governing body, they started using the airstrip that used to be owned by Grumman. These air strips would launch F-14s and Hawkeye radar planes.
Most of the land is not buildable because of the toxic chemicals in the soil, as well as a high probability as worn by Grumman, of live unexploded ammunition in the area.
There’s a high high high high probability that it will never never never be built on.