Post your Little Johnny jokes here

Little Johnny is in the second grade. Every morning Johnny's teacher plays a guessing game with the class to help build critical thinking skills. The teacher has a secret item in a brown paper bag. She describes it to the class and the first student to guess it correctly gets a prize.

‟Okay class,” says the teacher ‟today's secret item is smooth and round, it has a stem at the top, and it is red”

Johnny tries to answer but another student is called upon.

‟An apple!” shouts the student

‟No, it's a tomato but I like the way you are thinking”

This goes on for days, Johnny knows the answers but never gets picked. The student who gets to guess gets it wrong. But the teacher ‟likes the way they're thinking”

Johnny has had enough. Friday morning, before their little quiz starts, he stands up at his desk.

‟Hold on Miss, I've got a secret item for you to guess today”

He reaches down into his front pocket, feeling around a bit.

‟Okay, it's hard, and round, and it's got a head on it” says Johnny.

The teacher is appalled ‟Little Johnny that's inappropriate!”

Johnny smirks ‟Nope, it's a quarter but I like the way you're thinking”