Will I regret change to 3.55s from 2.76s

Now you've gone and hurt my feelings . In a good year I may do 3000. Believe me, if I was in Southern California, it would be on the road a lot more. Illinois weather can be pretty crummy. I basically will not drive it if there is a chance for rain as I don't want to feed the rust monster and it doesn't get left unattended in a parking lot. There are just too many stupid people around where I live. Took me 12 years to redo and I want it to stay nice as long as it can. I think my insurance actually limits me to 2500 miles, although they've never checked up on me. And no, 4.56 aren't happening.
Ok ok I hope you know I was joking. Kinda. I feel a little differently than you do because I’d never spend a bunch of money to redo a car and not drive it. I don’t see the point. And trust me when I tell you, there are WAY more idiotic drivers here than just about anywhere. But they aren’t going to keep me from enjoying my junk. My recommendation to you is this, and this time I’m very serious, put 3.91s in your car and then put an overdrive trans. It’s that whole “have cake and will eat it” type of deal.