Will I regret change to 3.55s from 2.76s

Ok ok I hope you know I was joking. Kinda. I feel a little differently than you do because I’d never spend a bunch of money to redo a car and not drive it. I don’t see the point. And trust me when I tell you, there are WAY more idiotic drivers here than just about anywhere. But they aren’t going to keep me from enjoying my junk. My recommendation to you is this, and this time I’m very serious, put 3.91s in your car and then put an overdrive trans. It’s that whole “have cake and will eat it” type of deal.
We're good. I just noticed that the stupid little smiley faces and stuff I thought I included in my response aren't there. I was attempting to make light of everyone being offended nowadays. Believe it or not, I get comments from people about how cool they think it is that I drive my car as much as I do. In this area, you really don't see classic cars on the road much at all. I just refuse to subject it to crummy weather. I've got more blood and sweat in it than money which probably makes me overprotective. It's really not even that nice but everything has been done by me. Yes, 3.91s and overdrive would be the ultimate but I don't think I'll ever justify spending that much money.