Will I regret change to 3.55s from 2.76s

3.23 is the compromise gear. it does well on the fwy, and it's still got some balls around town (especially when paired up with low trans gears).

but for your application? 3.55 would be my choice or heck, even 3.91's would be fine.

that cam starts singing around 3K and with the type of driving you're doing you'll never even get into the chorus with the freeway friendly sets and those tall tires.

big deal if you twist her tail a little bit. it's not like you're hanging it at 4K for hours on the freeway in the slow lane trying to keep up with traffic.
I've been really paying attention to the tach this week and you are correct. Even under what I consider pretty decent acceleration, I almost never even hit 2500 rpm. I drug the rear out after work today so I can start hacking. I never realized how much I've been holding it back with the 2.76s until reading all of these responses. I'm pretty excited now to see what I've apparently been missing.