Will I regret change to 3.55s from 2.76s

I don't want this to sound bad, but I don't understand people who get into this hobby, have a nice car with a lot of money invested and then worry about gas mileage. I realize the Op in no way indicated that he was worried about gas mileage. I'm not referring to him. I get about 10 MPG in town and about 14-15 on the highway with my moderately built 340 4 speed and 3.55 gears. I am fine with that. I look at it as 10 Smiles Per Gallon in town Now if the mileage went down to 5 MPG in town, I would worry about what the problem was that caused a drastic reduction in MPG and fix it.
I agree 110% with harrisonm were talking about muscle cars here were not doing it for gas mileage I have no idea what I get in my duster and don't care. I have a F450 with a v10 and get about 8 MGP and I only know that because the computer tells me, but I have a guy at home depo that says you must not get very good gas mileage with that truck and my response to him is if you can't afford the gas don't buy the truck. I also agree with rusty if it ant broke don't fix it