Converting a TQ to electric choke?

Anyone here convert a Thermoquad to electric choke? Are there kits out there? I searched around a bit, no definitive answer yet.

Mike's Carburetor Parts produces a conversion kit for the Thermo-Quad and other carburetors:

Thermo-Quad Electric Choke Conversion Kit

This kit replaces the factory divorced choke and relies on the 1973 and later factory Chrysler Choke Electric Control for its connection and control. It does not mount to the carburetor itself like those on the 9800 series Super-Quads or the Ford Thermo-Quads.
Screenshot 2025-03-19 8.50.57 PM.png

I have not used one myself, but it looks like a straightforward method to convert from the factory Chrysler choke rather than trying to adapt the 9800 series choke, Ford electric choke, or other similar choke.