
Stay away from the peaty smoked labels....most of the smoked whisky comes from outer Islands or coastal areas. Inland and lower Highlands tend to be less smoky.

Glenmorangie is a great starter whisky.....remember that the older the bottle, the smoother the taste. :thumbsup:

And although a blended brand like Johnnie Walker Blue uses whiskies of up to 60 years old....it has no age in its own right.
A blend has no actual age, just a magical taste. :)
Yeah, I was a food/bev purchaser for a very large food service company in U.S. for a long time. I’ve bought more food and Bev than someone could imagine. So yeah, I’ve tried my far share of adult beverages. I really like the Macallan 30. But I’m not spending 5 grand on a bottle for myself. That’s a lot of car parts for my A-body collection…..