
I love the Glenmorangie range. But Johnnie Walker Red is dangerous.....easy to drink and then it sneaks up on you and WHAMMO!!!

I was drinking Red in a bar in the middle of Madrid back in 1993 with a co-worker one night - we were working at Glaxo fitting out their boardroom. Anyways, we were having a great time watching people walk by...then a blind guy with a cane walked past - he didn't see the scaffold on the sidewalk outside....banged straight into it. A passer-by helped him out.
I was telling my buddy how the Red tasted watered down somewhat - an old Bar trick. Well, when I got into the taxi to get back to our hotel later on.....that Red hit me.
I told the driver (in my best Spanish) Hotel"....." (forgot its name now) - ovo topo hillo. To which I got a weird look ..... my buddy just started laughing.

It was all I could do to hold myself together ..... it gets expensive when you vomit in a Taxi. We made it back OK. What a trip.
Never touched Red again. Black Yes, Red, No. :lol:
Very true that Red can sneak up on you. I was at my next door neighbor's enjoying it one evening, my hosts were very gracious and ensured that my glass was filled frequently. When it came time to go home, I almost got lost, literally lost, in the 100 or so feet from the front door of their house to the door of my house. But it was still a good time!

The night that I found out my first wife was cheating on me, I drank nearly a full bottle of Glenfiddich that her son had brought back from a trip to Scotland. I kicked her *** out of the house about 1/4 of the way through it.