Rechrome Pricing Out of This World??



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2023
Reaction score
Saskatoon, Sk.
So its been a while since I had anything chromed, and according to a couple of recent quotes that Ive had, I may never rechrome anything ever again!
Is it just in my area of Western Canada that chroming prices have risen astronomically? I mean, I can buy brand new parts for cheaper than to have them rechromed. I honestly dont see how a shop can stay in business charging like they do. And Im aware of the chroming process, so I know the labor involved.
I came to the same conclusion and bought new AMD bumpers. The last car I restored chroming was around $250 a bumper and now it’s triple. The local shops are gone.
100+ bucks an hour + materials doesn't go far! My Bee rear bumper was $1400 cdn in late 2016. Same shop that does all of the Guilds work.
I came to the same conclusion and bought new AMD bumpers. The last car I restored chroming was around $250 a bumper and now it’s triple. The local shops are gone.
Yup, was around the same last time I restored one as well. There used to be three shops here in Saskatoon, two are closed up for good, and the other only does industrial hard chrome now, no decorative automotive.
Sucks when I want to support local business', but when they price themselves to the point where its not financially feasible, it forces a guy to look for other alternatives.
So its been a while since I had anything chromed, and according to a couple of recent quotes that Ive had, I may never rechrome anything ever again!
Is it just in my area of Western Canada that chroming prices have risen astronomically? I mean, I can buy brand new parts for cheaper than to have them rechromed. I honestly dont see how a shop can stay in business charging like they do. And Im aware of the chroming process, so I know the labor involved.
I had some jukebox pieces re-chromed and/or polished back in June of 2018, and it cost me just shy of $5k back then.


I'm going to start a restoration on a very similar jukebox soon (hopefully), and when I reached out to J & D Plating last fall, the (then current) quote was for $9k.

Unlike the more commonly available "repop" parts made for classic vehicles, no one is making jukebox parts any longer, so my options are either make the best of what I have, or bite the bullet and pay-up.
Chrome-plating involves hideously toxic, nasty chemicals which are expensive to safely work with and get rid of. Also, the volume of chrome-plating is much lower than it used to be. All that adds up to $$$.

Maybe take a lookit this as a feasible, much-less-costly alternative.
I came to the same conclusion and bought new AMD bumpers. The last car I restored chroming was around $250 a bumper and now it’s triple. The local shops are gone.

The last chrome shop in my city closed up in the late 80's, and it was insanely expensive then.