metallic paint technique ?

Ok so this weekend I laid some paint on the ol' duster and what do you know it is all stripy, like can see the strokes. I did the whole "overlapping" paint swipes but still too dark in some places (although shiny). not to mention I ran out of paint.... oooppss.

oh well, now my dilemma is do I switch to a solid color or "try" metallic again with no guarantees that it will look good.

how do I paint metallic colors with good results? can I just lay 2 gal of paint and have it look the same color or will technique (or lack there of) always give me a stripy look?

at least now I know what a nervous breakdown feels like :banghead:

or, Any suggestions on a nice solid blue? I thought I read somewhere on here that someone painted their car "speed Blue" from TCPGlobal..

one step forward and 10 stories straight down....