TUESDAY NIGHT in San Francisco

Cuda12, we wondered what happened to you. I am sure there will be another get-together in the near future. Here's a pic of the FABO crew in front of Mel's Drive-In on Lombard St. (which if you go one way, it takes you to the crookedest street in the world and if you go the other way, it takes you to the entrance to the Golden Gate Bridge). Left to right is: Redfastback, GTXperience, FASTBACK340, Mrs. FASTBACK340, Mrs. Redfastback (aka: Pinky) & Kingcuda.

You know folks, if you travel and get the chance to meet up with others that have a common interest (like some of the wonderful people on FABO) do so ... you won't regret it. We had a great time! John, thanks for suggesting we get together.
