paint questions

I've painted a number of cars but not much in the way of two tones, etc. so take this for what it's worth. It is my understanding of how it should be done.

Shoot the whole car in pink, mask it off all off as soon as it's dry and shoot your other color, if it's more than one color you'll have to let dry and mask some more and shoot the final color. Keep in mind that you want to shoot all the colors within your topcoat window. Check your tech sheet, it's usually 24 hours but it varies, if you miss the window you will have to sand the paint with some 600 wet or you could have adhesion problems. I've heard people go well past the recommended window without issues but I don't like to push my luck. I assume you're using single stage, base clear would be the same except you would have to clear the whole thing once you've finished with your colors. Also, you need to use a very high quality tape so you don't get bleed through and jagged edges. You also need to carefully pull the tape shortly after you shoot it not hours later when it's hardened. Even as it is you are going to have a noticeably higher edge with the additional coats where you shoot the accents. Camo is different but most two tones have a pin stripe seperate the colors which helps with this. Good luck