Political Correctness !!! ????

Better still.them come to Canada and do not know either official language,english or french,and then come to you to be served and speak there language to you,and they wonder why you look at them strange.Most of them suck the system dry,and sit on there *** collecting a monthly cheque.If you can,t speak the language that is written on the money of that country,learn the language before you come to the new country,if not,stay were you are,and do not expect people to kiss your *** because you are foreign.If you do not have a job with a company to guarante a living for you,to bad,get out,or better yet,some one throw them out.Its not our problem your old country is in the shitter,canada and the USA have done fine with out the foreign invassion from asians,mexicans,and the other mid europe countries.A good example,I have freind with a shop that hirers a turkish mechanic,can,t speak english,can,t speak the french,and when you do speak to him,it has to be a such a slow speed for him to understand,you think I was on meds.What the man said is what alot of USA/CAnadians feel about the imports,and its not just a few,its a growing movement,and as soon as everyone starts to look around and see it for them selfs the better we will be to stop the people coming in.IF you love the country so much,go and fight for that country,and you will see that they want to stay,such it dry,not lift a figure to defend it,then drag their 60 family memebers to such some more out of the system,and go to another country and do it again.Mean while your grand father who got his *** shot off in one of the wars,is pan handling to get enough for a coffey and a meal,mrmopartech