Political Correctness !!! ????

Amen Chryco - Mr. Allen is speaking for a lot of people (myself included). "Fit in" means just that - I have to fit in every day in all things that I do that personify us as Canadians. I like what he said - "fit in" or go home). Mr. Raymond CHAN had better step lightly. Since when is it the CRTC's job to censor opinions, whatever happened to free speech. The caucasian is fast becoming an overwhelmed minority who is STILL expected to pick up the tab for these so called displaced people.
Is there a link any where to follow on this singing the Canadian national anthem in hindi? I find that incredible. **** like this makes my blood boil.:angry1::cussing::thefinge::mumum:
All the baby boomers that are getting set to retire are going to have a lot of time to deal with this type of crap and - they will, they're an up and coming force to be reckoned with. They did not do all the hard work to help make this country what it is just so a bunch of damn foreigners can come and screw it up. Any foreigner moving here should not be allowed to apply for citizenship for 10 years or be allowed to vote until they've been here for 10 years. Yep, thats my opinion and I stand by it.