God forgives, so must we. I do not know what this is all about but GTXperience seems pretty shaken about it so I assume it is serious. But as I said....

In the big picture, it's not that serious but yes, I'm a little pissed. It's a little easier to "forgive and forget" when one is not involved with the direct problem. Also, with the younger generation, a "my bad" doesn't go along with me. When someone does me wrong (big or small), I don't change my mind right away because they send a "general population" apology and pat them on the back for it 48 hrs after they jerked me around. As mentioned before, time will tell.

Just to explain to those out there why this may seem so unusually important to me is that I took a long hiatus from the hobby years ago. Prior to leaving it, I grew up and built cars with "hand-shake" guys that would look you in the eye and you knew their word was gold. After getting back into the hobby, I found that there was a new breed of car enthusiasts out there that would screw you over and not think twice about it. Within three months of getting back into it, it happened to me with two separate Mopar guys and two separate cars. Those are long drawn out stories but one of them advertises in all the major Mopar magazines and is located in the Pacific Northwest. Hopefully, this explains my peeve when it comes to not keeping one's word when it comes to our hobby.