Fiberglass help .... from the Doc !

Hi A R ..... THX for the welcome.

You know ...I GOT that magazine at a thrift-shop some time ago when my GF wanted to shop for some antiques. It was a complete quirk-of-fate that I ran into that magazine. The cover of the CC featured a good article about camshafts - thought I would pay the 25 cents that they wanted for it and BINGO - there was the article !

STUFF like that - very honestly - WARMS my heart. It is good to hear that people really LIKED my stuff - and in that article - here is a guy that liked it so well that instead of him puffing-his-own-stuff FEATURED my "stuff" instead !!

WHY did I get OUT of the biz ? ..... I got tired of dealing with people who wanted me to price-match my stuff with the garbage that some other fiberglass companies offer. IIRC (I do not have the piece in front of me) ... the article mentions that a guy bought a hood in the early 80's ... LOVES IT ...and is still using it today.

THIS is a major diff between the other companies and most of their product ... some report needing new parts a year or two after. And some report NOT even being able to use the parts at all.

Now THAT is a sorry-state-of-affairs.