Fiberglass help .... from the Doc !

p d ... THX ferr yurr words. How old is that bumper?

d b .... YES you can "chrome" it. You know the "chrome" plastic parts in model kits ? ...same SAME. The finish is not nearly as durable as regular chrome though. UNless they have changed the process in the past 15 (I can't believe it has been that long) years. Search plastic plating ..... the better the raw part is - the BESTer the finished part will be.

tsb ..... it is a long story ... but I do not have many molds left. But I plan on REstarting the biz after I am set-up in FL. Being honest -- that is going to be quite a while.

FYI - the parts that I DID make some time ago for that car was a regular hood(same as a 69 Cuda, a hood WITH the rear cowl section, fenders, bumpers, doors, decklid and dash.