2 BBl Dual Exhaust

I am speaking in terms of federal law. Even putting two cats on a car that is supposed to have one is illegal. Being all states except one used the Federal standard this is what I am refering to and actually if a car has California emissions it still falls under Federal law. A state can make a law more strict than a Federal law but it cannot make a law more lenient that a Federal law. The Feds have juristiction over both 49 state and California emission standards. This is because the California emission standard vehicle may end up in another state. I have an '85 Cherokee with California emissions in Washington. Does this mean I am exempt because California can't do anything to me? No it doesn't because it is the Feds that have jursidiction over it.

Washington in some counties have emission testing for certain model year car. When a car gets to a certain age it is exempt from state testing but it doesn't mean that owners can do what they want because the state has no jurisdiction over federal law to allow modification.

Now because the state has no jurisdiction their law enforcement can't do anything about modifying, I know because I went down this path with a State Trooper some years back. It would take a Federal law enforcement officer to do anything about it.

Being you are only running a small 2 bbl I would just split to duals after the cat if you want the look and flow of duals. A single cat will flow much better with a bigger or more exit pipes because of lower or no back pressure on the backside. If you increase flow on the backside you will most likely increase flow on the front side.
