360 build recommendations please...
danmc77, on the posted below, I'd like to add a comment or 2.
I think you should get into the 12's as long as you aren't trying to move a yacht.
Agreed, a good suspension set up will do wonders. Get off the line quickly!
With decent head flow and that's a 400 hp combo at the crank, IMHO.
Agreed. Edelbrock used that cam as part of there RPM matched package. (Heads, intake, carb, cam) On a 340, they came up with 417 HP. The 360 may not top out just quite as high, but it also should have no problem going over 400 HP.
That cam looks a bit like the Comp HL or Lunati Voodoo series style grinds.
The wide spread in duration degrees reminds me of a Crane along with the ingeneral low lift. I'd like to try that cam with 1.6 rockers and try to take advantage of the advertised flow rates of the Edelbrock head at the higher lifts while also adding intensity to the cam without changeing it's powerband.
Since you have the cam, I'd use it. The duration (advertised) is close to the XE274 comp cam. What it is @ .050 I don't know. Also part of the reason I'd like to try and run it with 1.6 rockers. Get them valves moving quickly!
The 234 intake duration is a very good amount for a street bound vehicle and enuff to get it moveing quickly, and very well.
I also don't think you'll "Need" to bump the compresion ratio. A little more won't hurt with the aluminum head. But it's also not a must.
If your heads are iron, there going to need a preety decent job to get up to par with Edelbrocks listed flow rates on there head.