392 stroker oiling problems
When you tube a small blocks right oil galley you need to ream the galley first for an oversize tube so when you peen the tube down for lifter clearance you don't crush the tube completely. You can create one hell of a restriction there.
You may also look to be sure the left side galley was properly blocked at either the front of the block or at the #1 main. If oil is still going down the left galley you are losing a bunch.
Since the right side lifter galley feeds the mains you may want to be sure it's been properly drilled from the main passages up to the galley.
Should I assume you have properly blocked the original wet sump oil pump and it's associated passages? Something else to look at.
There is also a soft plug in the wet pump passage that goes out to the oil filter passages that separates the two. If this is not there or not installed correctly you could have starvation problems as well.
Sounds to me like you need a new engine builder/machinist that is familiar with the LA engine. Most are not because they aren't real popular with the knuckle dragger crowd because you can't just assemble one out of the Summit catalog, you actually have to build it.