Anyone believe in Ghosts ?

Well on a few issues here.. I doubt a living bigfoot exists but a prehistoric ape did exist in Asia. It was like 10 feet tall and weighed over 1000 lbs. Early humans would likely come across these creatures and through folklore and story telling they passed on the "legend" for thousands of years and it apparently might persist today in the form of bigfoot. Maybe some are still alive though I am skeptical because none alive or dead have ever been found, nor to the best of my knowledge DNA testing has revealed evidence of a primate that does not match any of the living primates. Here is the link to the site

As for UFOs I am a bit more of a believer, there have been countless sightings around the world and I think the French government even released an official report on military jets interacting with one. Say what you will about the French but I doubt their pilots and air force are full of a bunch of kooks. Besides in a universe with something like 70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars and billions of galaxies it would absurd to think we are all alone or that we are the most technologically advance civilization.

Ghosts on the other hand I am really doubt exist, I mean there is no hard scientific evidence of their existence. It has shown that exposure to electromagnetic fields can trick the human brain in such a way that people think they are being watched or get the feeling somebody or something is there. This could very well explain a lot of paranormal events. This could further be reaffirmed in peoples mind by the fear of our own mortality and the desire to believe we go somewhere when we die. Think about all the people who see mother mary in a bread crust or a stain on the side of an overpass or something. People want to believe.. if not for a hope of immortality but out of simple curiosity towards the unknown. I had tried a ouiji board once when I was camping with some friends, I was skeptical but just to make things interesting I tried to conjure up intentionally anything evil "demons" or "devils".. I even tried to conjure up Hitler. I figured if we were going to do it why not make it interesting... Needless to say nothing happened, my friends swore that "oh dude i felt it move to the right" or this or that but honestly I saw everything and nothing happened !!!! Nothing !!! I think this is a symptom again of human physcology and human nature. People inherently want to believe in the supernatural and something greater or more powerful out there. Consider the numerous religions in the world, mythology, astrology, new age stuff etc etc.

Now on the flip side of the coin, could ghosts or spirits be beings from other dimensions? String theory predicts that the true universe has something like 11 dimensions, we exist in the three dimensional world plus one dimension of time. Maybe entities do and can exist in these other planes or dimensions and from time to time they manifest themselves in ours for whatever reason. I wont even begin to speculate on how or why they could do so but its just a thought. Furthermore if you believe in parallel universes then it is possible that dead people in our universe are alive in other universes and or time lines are slightly altered so that the other universe is 100 years or so maybe 1000 off from ours. In that case might information from these worlds through the consciousness of people from them leak through to ours in the form of ghostly images? I recommend doing some studying on string theory and quantum mechanics if you are curious about ghosts. Rent "What the Bleep do we know" too, its very thought provoking and makes you look at reality in a whole new light.

Now for my somewhat unusual experiences that I would by no means declare as proof of ghosts but still were kind of bizarre. Anyways one time me and my dad and my sister drove up to the mountains outside of San Jose to get a good look at a comet that passed near earth around 12 years ago I would say. We were coming back down the hill when we saw something somewhat reflective kind of gray maybe? drift briefly along the side of the road up ahead. It was indistinguishable and we only saw it for a second or two well up ahead of us. It did not bounce or anything like a deer or something but then again we only saw it briefly and admittedly didn't get a good look at it. When we got up to that point in the road we saw nothing though. Another time and this was recently I saw dark maybe phone book sized black spots on my wall/ceiling moving very quickly out of the corner of my eyes. It was DEFINITELY something that I did see, but there was no noise and no real distinguishable shape. I saw them briefly two or three times. It seems logical that they were caused by birds flying in front of a street light outside a couple hundred feet away and casting shadows from the light. In fact sometimes I can see the shadows of leaves blowing on the trees from the street lights. However the spot in my room where I saw the phenomenon really was dark anyways and does not really get any light from outside street lights. Was it probably a bird casting a shadow? yes but it like I just said that explanation doesn't seem to really add up.