Anyone believe in Ghosts ?

My great aunts were living in an apartment when they started
having visits from beyond. The story behind it is years before
there was a boyfriend/girlfriend living in the apartment. The
boyfriend would beat her up. One night he beat her from the
kitchen to the bathroom. He pinned her between the toilet and
the sink. He began to beat her severely. The police were called
and when they arrived, they did not wait and transported her in the
police car to the hospital where she died. The boyfriend had left
before the police arrived. My great aunts started seeing a figure
of a woman starting in the kitchen and disappearing between the
toilet and the sink. They offered to pray for her but they never
received a reply. The woman would always be dressed in white until
one time she appeared in black. Their priest told them to leave that
apartment. That somebody was going to die. We had them moved in
one day.