392 stroker oiling problems

The reason I suggest you not learn is for financial and sanity reasons...lol. You can never learn enough about oiling. The first few things are, the crank can't flex much, the journals MUST be flat, the clearances MUST be right, and the main caps can't be allowed to move under load. If any of those is not right, the oil film breaks down regardless of volume or pressure. If you can measure that stuff (not plastigage, I mean micrometers and dial bore gages) and knwo it's right, you need to address the performance end of things. You said "full roller" top end. Means what exactly? Which lifters are you using? If you run a solid roller in a small block, you should have started with lifter bore bushings, not tubes. $500 there would have saved some aggrivation, albeit it might have been more like eliminating one weak link of many. And if you went tubes, both sides should get them. That's because certain lifters can uncover oil passages when up on the lobe, causing oil pressure loss where you can't see it on a gage. And because the lifter galley feeds the mains, the mains will feel it, and show marks from oil starvation. Now, you could tube both sides, and then enlarge the main feeds, but with clearances over .0025" and a big pump, you may run into the oil moving so fast thru the tube, that it has trouble making the turn from the tube to the oil passages to the mains. That usually effects high rpm engines and you will see starvation on the #3 and 4 mains. That's where that crossover comes in to play. Obviously any damage to the oil film on the mains, is problems on rods. You do run full grooved main bearings, yes? I'm not sure what you mean by "two lines..." For oil pickup you mean? Dry sump is it's own animal. I would keep what you have. From what you are saying, it's lack of mopar experience and poor choices by yourself or the shop, not the dry sump system or pan. The books on the market today the one on "Big inch small blocks" by Szylagi or something like that, it goes into a little, but not much. The older DC engien book, and "How to build Mopar big and small blocks" books are out of print now I think. You mimght look up the MP circle track book(s) tho. They should go into more detail. If you dont know, learn, then tell the shop what to do. It will be cheaper buying $50 in paperbacks then doing it a forth time. And I have no single book with all the mods. They all take the authors' singular opinion and simply state that, instead of telling all...lol.