Broken Screw

How broke is it? Is there any material sticking up that you could possibly lock on to with vise grips? Or is it flush?

Depending on how hard it was put in, cross threaded and then broke etc. It might be harder to get out, and as some folks on this board can tell you lately, you have a good chance of also breaking of the extractor or easy-out in the broken bolt.

I've removed broken bolts with an automatic center punch before, slowly walking them out. Like I said it depends how tight it is. The spring loaded automatic center punch "may" break it free, and then you can walk it out from there.

If all else fails, I would drill it out as much as you can to use the biggest easy out or extractor you can (to avoide breaking it off in there). Start with smaller drill bits, and work your way up to larger bits. You'll have to get creative with some shop rags or towels to catch the metal shavings from going into the motor.

I've had good luck (about 70% success rate anyways, hehe) with these:

Hope this helps! Keep us posted! :salut: