Remember me :D

I know, but the former owner kept it LOL. Guess it wasn't part of the deal. The last kid that owned it used the ol girl as a daily driver. He was a nice kid, about 23 years old, that would explain all the Neon I have to remove now. ;)

I am digging the 4 barrel and headers though. I'm going to sand blast them and clean them up real nice, But I think the motor will be comming out soon, she's got an awful rattle to her. I think the main bearings are shot. Owner thought it was a bent rod but the car idles great, it's just when you bring the RMPs to about 2500 you can hear it.
welcome back Khyron!! Nice find.
Do you think it could be old weak springs or is it a big bottom end rattle?
Keep us updated and hope you enjoy this great site.