318 to 360


I plan on doing a swap on a plymouth from a 318 to a 360. Was thinking of going BB, but have decided it is too large a task.

The car currently is power steering with a/c. Will there be any implications in just a straight swap over that I need to be weary of. Any reasons why I can't put the a/c back on? I think i'll go the crate engine route from Maund motoworks on ebay (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Smal...007QQitemZ170072244608QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V). anyone use one of these?

Any help appreciated


That swap is pretty much straight forward, You shouldn't have a problem other than the left motor mount bracket is different, 340-360 use the same 273-318 use the same, That sure seems like a great price on the motor. How about you being the lab rat on this one and lets us know later how satisfied you were with them? Thanks