The Beatles' LOVE show in Vegas...

Hi Guys-

So, my wife and I got back from a weekend in Vegas where we saw the Cirque du Soleil/Beatles LOVE show at the Mirage.
One word: WOW.

If you like Beatles' music: You'll LOVE it.
If you like old VW Beetles: You'll LOVE it.
If you like insane tricks performed by rollerbladers and acrobats: You'll LOVE it.
If you like amazing visuals and light shows: You'll LOVE it.
If you like hot dancers/performers of either sex: You'll LOVE it.

My wife and I were frequently in awe of what we saw on stage, mouths open in amazement. The whole production was a very thoughtful dedication to the band and it's music. Worth the kinda steep $120 per ticket we paid.

I say, "Check it out" :thumblef: