Smoked 360 I bought

I bought a smoked 360 that was just rebuilt. Took it apart and the #2 and #5 main were down to copper, some of the rod bearings were showing copper. This was on an engine that had about 1 Hour of run time and showed solid oil pressure the entire time. All bearings installed correctly.

The seller thought it pumped the pan dry by using a HV oil pump. Nope!

Well we found the problem upon inspection. There were two issues actually.

1) The cam thrust plate had the scallop cut in it and the galley plugs were not installed.

2) When looking up from the bottom with rear main cap removed, you see daylight where the oil pressure sending unit screws in. The plug to block the opening where the oil heading to filter and returning from the filter was left out. Makes a nice little loop.

The engine showed good oil pressure the entire time it ran until the knocks appeared.

So remember to install those plugs!