Internet purchases

leann how did you get money back from the post office ?? and i have never heard of E BAY buyer protection,,im sure thats a paper work night mare

Don, getting my money back from the Post Office was a simple matter of filling out a form to trace the money order to make sure it had been cashed. I just had to verify under penalty of perjury that I never received what I paid for and a few weeks later had a check for the amount of the money order.

The lady (for lack of a better term) that sold me the mirrors on ebay had great feedback ... until I made a purchase. Between the time I won the auction and figured out three weeks later that she wasn't sending my mirrors, she received 18 other negative feedback reports all from the same time period as mine was. :wack:

She ripped off a lot of people and moved (her ebay contact info was incorrect). I notified ebay, they conducted an investigation, and sent me all but 12% of my $145.00 back about three months later. I couldn't complain too much in light of the Postal Service's prior full reimbursement. (Almost wish more people would flake on me LMAO just kiddin!)

That's why I always pay for things through the mail with a Postal money order. They're easy to get and easy to cash. Once that envelope crosses state lines it becomes a federal matter anyway and you can then invoke the power of the Attorney General if you really have a problem.