TONIGHT! B-J Auction

I think they should have a policy that employees cant bid. Doesnt seem fair.

WHOA!!! Back up the beat-down wagon!

Did anyone see the Tony Stewart Home Depot car get auctioned for The Darrel Gwynn Foundation? Tony not only managed to get the car donated for auction, but Mr. Ron Pratt paid $300K for it, PLUS the $100K he donated to Darrel BEFORE the car was auctioned (behind the scenes no less....away from the media) And not only did Goldberg toss in an additional $40K on top of the final sale price, but Reggie Jackson threw in another $10K and CRAIG JACKSON threw in another $25K. Craig also said he wouldn't bid against anyone whom bid the first Challenger up to $400K. He said nothing about not buying it if it DIDN'T get bid to $400K. He bought it. Good for him.

To me, that's the best way for the guys with deep pockets to win they're little pissing contests with each other. Darrel was able to obtain approx. 1/2 million dollars in less than 20 minutes. God bless them all.

BTW: Me thinks this years auction saw a definite shift away from Mopar domination in record prices. Shelbys and Mustangs ruled the roost. And rightfully so. Those 429 Cammers are probably rarer than *most* Hemi cars.