Must have shop tools

I saw you had air long board in your list,be sure you get a huchins air inline.They are more money than the harbor freight stuff,infact you can buy like 4 of the cheap ones,but the huchins is ballanced,last forever,if you oil it everyday,and you wont be tired after running it for 10 or 12 hours straight.Sooner or later your gonna run into a wavy,long quarter panel,or hood,with no rust,and other wise nice,and your gonna hate it with a 39.00 inline,or by hand.Once you get proficient with a good inline,you will only have to hand block very little.Get the velcro pads,so you can change paper quickly,and youll love it.The one other thing i couldnt live without,is a 3m rust and paint remover on the diegrinder.even with sand/media blasting,there are spots i run into i need something aggressive to remove old paint,scaly rust,etc,and these bad boys do it quick,with out messing the metal up in any way.they just leave it shinyand just right for putty,or primer