Must have shop tools

well for starters adam, are you going to be doing just mopars, or all classics? you will make money with chevys! you should also have all brake and tune-up tools. suspension tools are a must as is a vise. here are a few pics of my shop, boxes, compressor(80gal), etc. i use a big 4'x8' chalkboard for the project list. it really helps. don't forget a battery charger!
the one thing you will really need if you work on cars with NICE paint, is a set of fender covers. i got ones that have sheepskin on the back that is velcroed on so it can be taken off and washed. it also has magnets to hold it to the car and the surface is impervious to ANY fluid. yeah they were pricey, but all others can leave marks.

for a 1/2" impact use the IR titanuim 2135( or some # like it). it has 1000lbs/torque in reverse on the first 3 hits. it will take off pretty much anything.

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