head bolt bulge in runner?

Hey Len,
Heres the #'s that I have on my bench and on the same day and I'm the operator, also the porter with 30 + years of experience. Now correct me if I'm wrong but these #'s don't lie.......to me.

Eddy's Out of the box
.100 88 93
.200 138 153
.300 200 179
.400 228 190
.500 242 201
.600 248 205

now heres a Mopar performance head out of the box

.100 90 108
.200 164 156
.300 205 176
.400 228 185
.500 241 188
.600 232 190

heres a ported eddy


.100 88 95
.200 170 148
.300 214 178
.400 248 199
.500 289 212
.600 298 213

Now a ported 915 with a 1.88 not a 2.02


.100 94 89
.200 180 133
.300 222 181
.400 241 196
.500 280 201
.600 283 206

Sorry but aftermarket heads are expensive to stock castings, the latest prices on eddy's are near $1,500.00 a set out of the box then add porting cost and you now have over $2,000.00 in a set of good heads. Then the parts are sub par and wont hold a good profile camshaft.(IMO)
But then we all have our own opinions and have our own ideas of what is acceptable. To me eddy's dont add up, and for the $$$$ spent there are better heads for the $$$$.
I can say this that I've repaired the Eddy's and the quality is very, very poor as trash comes out when welding and has to be ground out before welding can proceed. So I can speak from experience and from working with these castings. Give me a old castings for the $$$ spent and repairability or new good quality casting from Brodix or Mopar and then we'll have something. At least we'll have something to repair. Sorry for the rant but IMO this has been the findings.