/6 headers
I think you all should give Mistertwister and Dodgediva the benefit of the doubt! As they said they did not come here advertising the product! They are just explaining to all how it has performed for them. Remember guys without engineering new products,testing,etc where would the Cars be today! I can certainly see where some of you are skeptical as to how this works or not.
Personally to me it looks somewhat restrictive but what they are saying makes sense! But they are saying it works and that they can show you it works. I say let them tell you and show you if you are interested. But at least give them a "FAIR" chance to explain the product and how it has worked.
Remember they did not come here trying to push something off on anyone or trying to make anyone buy the product! Just step back in time and look at some of the inventions people said would never work! Telephones, Phonographs, Airplanes! These folks just may be onto something REALLY BIG! Don't hang them out to dry without a fair chance!
I do not even own a 6 cylinder engine but technology that works gets me excited, especially when someone makes a product that works and is trying to save us car folks some of our hard earned $$$$! So before you say HELL NO IT WON'T WORK, Or CRITICIZE them for trying something new, BE FAIR TO THEM! Sounds like they are being FAIR with us!