Go for A ride slant under 10.sec?

That is awsome. Who would of ever thought you could pull those no. with a /6. There is a 63 Valiant wagon that runs on the strip close to me and the last i head it did have it in the 10"s

Are you sure it is a 63 Wgn? Dave Mueler is from up that way. I understand his Valiant wgn (64 or 65 I think), has broken into the 10's. He is runnig alky and a Lenco 5 speed.

At the present time there have been 3 slant six powered door slammers, that I know of, in the 9's. Charles Myers, Cox Bros, and Tom Drake.
Also, Cameron Tilley in Austrailia, has run in the 10's with his "daily driver". There could be several other fast slants that that do not go on line, so they are not known.
There are also many 12, and 13 sec "street legal" slant six cars (mine included). :)

66 Cuda 170 nitrous, 13.16 at 98.42 street legal
65 Valiant 170 turbo 13.39 at 104 street legal
66 Valiant 225 nitrous 13.64 at 92.59 low budget race car ($1500)