Mopars at the Strip

I forgot to mention that I have never been to this show. I wanted to wait a few years until it got on its feet. In 1989, I remember flying down to Vegas for the 1st Annual Pacific Nationals Mopar show ... in August!!! Let me tell you, it was horrible. I seem to remember that they had it on the grounds where the new Speedway was being built or about to be built and it was literally 114-118 degrees out there. Spectators who came out, found themselves hiding under the tents of a handfull of vendors that were there. The only vendors that really made out were the folks from Canadian Clear(?) water. On the first day, I bought $48 of ice cold water from them and on the second day, it was pretty much the same. We weren't prepared for this. We were getting bussed out from the host hotel and it was useless bringing cold water out there (wo/a cooler) because it would just heat up real quick.

I remember our sneakers just melting while we were out there. Each step was like walking through marsh land except for leaving pieces of my shoes behind. I felt bad for some of the car owners as well because I overheard several of them saying that they were experiencing damage to their dash pads warping and also damage to their tires. I recall lots of people leaving the first day when they temperatures started climbing.

It was a one time show only after that and was commonly referred to as the "Pathetic Nationals" instead of "Pacific Nationals." Does anyone else remember this show?